The Indian peoples’ historic uprising needs global support

The Indian peoples’ historic uprising needs global support

“The economic model of India is characterized by a huge marginalization of the agricultural sector, and this is because of the deliberate undervaluing of the primary produce of farmers. The people who are dependent on primary production have incomes that keep on shrinking. They cannot produce much, not because they are inefficient but because what they are producing are actually of low value to the nation. The agricultural sector has collapsed really hard especially this pandemic.”

No calm before the storm: How foreign environmental plunder triggered disastrous PH typhoons

No calm before the storm: How foreign environmental plunder triggered disastrous PH typhoons

The national government is not only guilty for its criminal neglect of the Filipinos ravaged by the typhoons. It is also guilty for deliberately defunding the 2012 Nationwide Operational Assessment of Hazards (Project NOAH), which was supposedly aimed to develop technologies and enhance efficient disaster mitigation plans.

Why the Kurdistan struggle should be a global struggle

Why the Kurdistan struggle should be a global struggle

"This is not just a Kurdish problem. This is a problem artificially created by the imperialist European states, mainly Britain and France, after the collapse of the Ottoman empire. This means that the solidarity with the Kurdish people's struggle is not just a solidarity for their right to self-determination. The vital part of the Kurdish struggle is the democratization of the region."

Sustainability and militancy: The Lumad youth show us how it’s done

Sustainability and militancy: The Lumad youth show us how it’s done

“The agroecology practice of the Lumad students of CTCSM is a great example of the type of learning that should also be incorporated in the general education subjects in universities like UP. The deeper understanding of the flora and fauna should be applied in all degree programs.” -- former UP Diliman Chancellor Michael Tan



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