DepEd upholds lumad school

DepEd upholds lumad school

The Department of Education last Tuesday issued a statement that it “did not order the closure of any school serving indigenous people’s learners.” “This is in view of a recent claim,” it added, “that a Salugpongan learning center in the [Davao] region was closed...

Enrile before history

Enrile before history

What the media described as an “apology” last Oct. 24 from former Marcos Defense Minister Juan Ponce Enrile was in the same league as that of Marcos’s daughter Imee’s and son Bongbong’s. But unlike the “apologies” of those two, Enrile’s sounded like an appeal not...

Opportunity missed

Opportunity missed

Is jeepney “modernization” the answer to the Philippines’ land transportation woes? Or does the solution lie elsewhere? Will that scheme put in place a safe, rational and reliable transportation system all over the country, or in the National Capital Region at...

Food, Freedom, Jobs, Justice

Food, Freedom, Jobs, Justice

By BENJIE OLIVEROS Bulatlat perspective Perhaps, nobody had so eloquently, yet so simply, summed up the road to peace than the late Senator Jose W. Diokno when, as head of the negotiating panel of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) in the peace...

Human rights and politics

Human rights and politics

By BENJIE OLIVEROS Bulatlat perspective When, six days ago, President Duterte offered to host a world summit on human rights, people were aghast. It’s not as if the Duterte administration is the prime mover of respect for human rights considering the more than 7,...

A lot and yet, not much

A lot and yet, not much

By BENJIE OLIVEROS Bulatlat perspective During the first sixteen months of the Duterte administration, a lot has happened. The battle for the once bustling Islamic City of Marawi that lasted five long months, beginning May 23, 1017 and ended the last week of...

Desperate measures

Desperate measures

By BENJIE OLIVEROS Bulatlat perspective The Social Weather Station released the results of its un-commissioned survey, covering the period September 23 to 27, showing that the satisfaction and trust ratings of President Duterte dropped significantly. His...

Of violence, cover up, and connections| Will justice be attained for the death of Atio Castillo?

Of violence, cover up, and connections| Will justice be attained for the death of Atio Castillo?

By BENJIE OLIVEROS Bulatlat perspective The death due to hazing of 22-year-old Horacio “Atio” Castillo III shocked the public once more. Castillo died while undergoing hazing by his ‘brothers’ from the Aegis Juris fraternity of the University of Sto. Tomas law...



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