

Bulatlat, the authority in human rights journalism in the Philippines

Since its establishment in 2001, Bulatlat has chronicled issues affecting the marginalized sectors, particularly their struggles, victories, and aspirations. The vast archives of Bulatlat spanning more than 20 years help counter negative historical revisionism, debunk disinformation, and fight all forms of tyranny.

Through its network of dedicated readers and allies, Bulatlat remains and continues to serve as a credible source of news and information.


A prosperous society where free speech and expression is recognized, where the rights of the marginalized and oppressed are upheld, and where social justice is realized.


To popularize the people’s struggles and aspirations and to bring issues of the grassroots to the national consciousness, as well as to advocate and contribute to the struggle for social change and the fight against tyranny. 


To achieve our vision and mission, Bulatlat acknowledges the importance of: 

Providing truthful and accurate news and information that can help the people in fighting for truth, justice, and freedom, as well as in resisting oppression and abuse by the powers that be.

Achieving sustainable resource generation through diverse income streams to further increase Bulatlat’s capacity in producing in-depth reports, multimedia outputs, social media contents, to name a few, and in adapting to the fast-changing landscapes of the media, politics and technology.

Building and engaging communities and solidarity networks that are seeking politics of change and fighting alongside the community of press freedom advocates to advance the fight against disinformation, oppression, and tyranny.

Bulatlat is published by the Alipato Media Center, Inc., a non–profit institution
registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Bulatlat is part of the network of

Bulatlat.com Staff


Ronalyn V. Olea

Associate Editor

Danilo A. Arao

Desk Editor

Fr. Ritche T. Salgado, O.Carm


Marya Salamat
Anne Marxze D. Umil
Dominic Gutoman


Carlo Manalansan

Multimedia Staff

Jo Maline Mamangun

Community Manager

Dominic Gutoman

Administratitive and Finance Staff

Aizel Mae Tugalon


Francis Gealogo
Mong Palatino
Sarah Raymundo
Agham-Science and Technology for the People
Kalikasan People’s Network for the Environment
Promotion of Church People’s Response

Editorial Cartoonists

Dee Ayroso
Renan Ortiz
Max Santiago
Kartunista Zach


Jonas Alpasan
Maverick Avila
Venmar Cecille
Alyssa Mae Clarin
Mavic Conde
Zysa Mae Ellorin
Sinag Joaquin
Jacinto Lingatong
Reynard Magtoto
Daniela Mauricio
Arnold Padilla
Franck Dick Rosete
Menchani Tilendo
Justin Umali
Emily Vital


2022 Award of Distinction from the Center for Media Freedom and Responsibility

as a recognition to the alternative news agency’s “commitment to keeping true to the honored tradition of the alternative press, of giving the marginalized and disempowered a voice that can be heard.”

Bulatlat is a three-time finalist in the Jaime V. Ongpin Awards for Excellence in Journalism

Lands are back in the Hands of the Lords

Diwalwal Folk Caught in the Grip of Violence, Greed

Half a century of peasant struggle in Hacienda Luisita

First Red Cross Journalism Awards

First place, Online Category
Child Rights Advocates Bewail Distortion of Child Protection Principles for Counter-Insurgency

Second place, Online Category
Child Soldiers or Victims?

Second Red Cross Award for Humanitarian Reporting

Third place, Video Category
Killings unabated under Aquino

Third place, Online Category
Child rights violations under Aquino government increasing

Chit Estella Journalism Award

First place, Online Category
Three months after Sendong, Iligan residents still far from rebuilding their lives

Finalists, Online Category
Jonas Burgos, gentle and brave
Privatization of government hospitals, further marginalizing the poor in the name of profit
K+12, worsening shortages to greet school opening
In Makati, the poor of Guatemala Street know nothing about the city’s wealth

15th Graciano Lopez Jaena Community Journalism Workshop

Second place
“Human rights in Aquino’s ‘righteous path’

First Gawad Agong Para sa Mamamahayag

First place, Online Media
Mangyan’s lit-num schools face seemingly insurmountable challenges

Third Gawad Agong Para sa Mamamahayag

Online Media,
Lumad women | ‘Our place is in the struggle’

Three-time winner in Hilegarde Awards for Women in Media

Anne Marxze D. Umil

Print and online category
Mary, the 13 year old mother to her sibling

Outstanding Achievements in Online Journalism
More gaps than gains? | Anti-women portrayals, practices continue despite Magna Carta of Women

First Save the Children Media Awards

Finalist, Online Category
Children’s health at risk with low breastfeeding practice

2016 Save the Children Media Awards

Finalist, Photography Category
“Without a roof”

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